Form 943

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Form 943

Does your agricultural business pay employees? According to the IRS, if you paid wages to one or more farmworkers and the wages were subject to social security and Medicare taxes or federal income tax withholding, you need to file form 943 - the employer’s annual federal tax return for agricultural employees.

Do I need to file Form 943 for my farm business?

Form 943 is the tax document used to show the IRS the amount of taxes that you withheld from your employees each year. The IRS states agricultural employers are subject to withholding on wages if:

  • You pay an employee cash wages of $150 or more in the year for farm work, or
  • The total wages (cash and noncash) you pay all farm workers in the year is $2,500.

Here’s a link to more information from the IRA about Form 943 and reporting requirements for agricultural employers.

About SurePayroll’s farm payroll solution:

When choosing SurePayroll to handle your farm’s payroll, you will get:

Note: Marijuana remains a Schedule I Drug and is considered illegal for all purposes by the Federal Government. SurePayroll is unable to provide payroll services to companies in this industry.

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Continued Payroll Tax Form Definitions