Customer Service

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Award-Winning Customer Service

We're here to help answer your questions

SurePayroll's award-winning Customer Care team provides:

  • U.S.-based, friendly payroll professionals ready to answer your questions.
  • Help available six days a week by phone, email, chat or via secure web forms.
  • Enrollment assistance and a free setup walk-through when you process your first payroll.

Customer Care by the numbers. We don't make you sit on hold!
  • The majority of calls answered within 20 seconds.
  • An innovator in online chat responding to your questions quickly.
  • Secure web forms let you submit documents online.
  • Spanish-speaking Customer Care representatives available.

Mon - Fri 7 a.m. — 8 p.m. Central
Sat 9 a.m. — 1 p.m. Central
Online Help Center available 24/7
Phone: 877.956.7873 / Press 3
Fax: 847.676.5150
If you need us to, we work with every federal, state and local tax agency on your behalf.