Tax Filing Guarantee

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If you receive a notice from the IRS, or any other tax agency, based on a filing that SurePayroll made, we’ll work with the agency to help resolve the issue on your behalf.  And, if we’re at fault, we’ll pay all the associated penalties and fines.


Who do I contact if I receive a tax notice based on a SurePayroll filing?
You can securely submit your request through Contact Us once you’re logged into your account.  SurePayroll will route the request through one of our trained specialist who will review and determine appropriate actions based on the tax notice. 

How will SurePayroll keep me informed regarding my tax notice and resolution?
Once you’ve submitted your request through Contact Us, you’ll receive confirmation and we’ll provide you with an update on status once we researched the issue and contacted the appropriate agency. 

If I incur penalties and fines regarding a tax notice, who will be responsible for paying?
If SurePayroll is found at fault, we will cover penalties from our tax filing. If we are not at fault, we will let you know so that you can work with the appropriate parties to resolve any issues directly -  including payment of fines, if required.  

What if I receive a tax notice on a tax filing before using SurePayroll?
If you receive a tax notice from a prior payroll before becoming a customer of SurePayroll, you’ll need to work with the processing company to resolve the issue or directly with the agency if your business was responsible for the tax filing.