Quicken Payroll

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Quicken Payroll

Quicken Payroll provides small business owners with software to keep track of their employee payroll expenses. This software must be installed and purchased in addition to Quicken.

Using payroll software such as Quicken Payroll can allow business owners to create paychecks for employees. While direct deposit and instant checks are available, they are not included in the standard prices.

Managing payroll with payroll software can quickly become difficult for small business owners that find their business growing. As more employees are added, the time spent managing payroll and other expenses can quickly increase. This leads many business owners to look for a payroll service that does more than calculate wages and generate checks. Keeping accurate financial records for payroll and managing all aspects of payroll taxes — including filing the paperwork and making the tax payments on time and accurately — is important for business owners to prevent accounting errors from costing them additional money.

Business owners who manage payroll without the use of a payroll service may feel overwhelmed trying to ensure that each employee gets paid on time.