Payroll Software

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Payroll Software vs. SurePayroll

Avoid time-wasting downloads and installs – get easy online payroll

Small business payroll software may handle some basic payroll calculations and deductions, but you may still need to complete tax forms and file them on time. Plus, with payroll software, you’ll need to keep up with payroll tax rules and regulations, manually deposit and file taxes with the federal, state and local agencies and buy and install new software versions. SurePayroll takes care of it all for you.

Payroll Software

  • Makes you file your federal, state and local payroll taxes – plus, you'll need to stay on top of complicated, ever-changing payroll tax laws.
  • Makes you responsible for working with the IRS to resolve any notices or penalties – and on average 40% of small businesses incur $845 in IRS fines annually.
  • Makes you update your software when new tax laws are passed.


Using SurePayroll

  • Calculates, files and pays your federal, state and local payroll taxes automatically.
  • Works with the IRS on your behalf to resolve any issues that may arise.
  • Is completely online – saving you from wasting time and aggravation over installs and upgrades.

Run Payroll the Easy & Secure Way with SurePayroll

Save time

  • Payroll taxes calculated, filed and paid for you.
  • No need to spend time educating yourself on tax rules and regulations.
  • Process payroll in three easy steps in two minutes or less.

Superior service

  • Friendly, U.S.-based award-winning payroll service specialists.
  • Customer Service is here to answer your questions 6 days a week by phone, email or chat.
  • Unlimited access to online help 24/7.

Peace of mind

  • Completely online, no need to worry about upgrades or downloads.
  • Web-based solution protects against computer viruses that could compromise your data.
  • Backed by 40 years of payroll experience.

Call 877-954-7873
to talk to a payroll services expert today.