Small Business Calculators

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Free Payroll Calculators

It's easy to gauge your costs with SurePayroll's more than 25 business calculators

Welcome to SurePayroll's free calculators. Simply click on a calculator below to calculate costs. For example, generate a hypothetical paycheck that can determine take-home pay based upon gross pay (including multiple hourly pay rates) and deductions — our Gross-Up Calculator can even calculate your gross wages based upon your take-home pay.

Payroll Calculators

Calculate payroll costs — taxes, benefits and more.
> View Payroll Calculators

Marginal Tax Rate Calculator

Calculate tax incurred on each additional dollar of income.
> View State Payroll Calculator

Retirement Calculators

Calculate retirement savings needs.
> View Retirement Calculators

Small Business Calculators

Calculate cash flow, break-even analysis and more.

Use our payroll calculators as often as you like. They are automatically updated as payroll laws and tax tables change.

With SurePayroll, you don't have to perform any payroll calculations — in fact, we calculate, file and pay all federal, state and local payroll taxes. Our online service is available anywhere, anytime, and includes unlimited customer support. If you want a simple, easy-to-use payroll service, just give us a call at 877.954. 7873 or receive a free payroll quote.
Current SurePayroll Customers

Estimates made using these payroll calculators will not affect SurePayroll account information in any way. You must enter payroll data directly into your SurePayroll account if you would like it processed for an upcoming payroll period.
Important Information

The payroll calculators that are provided on this Web site are only meant to provide general guidance and estimates about the payroll process. They should not be relied upon to calculate exact taxes, payroll or other financial data. They may not match your payroll results precisely and are not intended to provide tax or legal advice.

You should consult with a professional advisor or accountant regarding your specific payroll concerns.